Muse #1 "Clio"
In ancient Greek religion and mythology the Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science and the arts.
First in the Muse series is Clio. The muse of history, to make famous. Often referred to as "the Proclaimer" has been depicted with Laurel wreath, scroll, a book or a set of tablets.
First in the Muse series is Clio. The muse of history, to make famous. Often referred to as "the Proclaimer" has been depicted with Laurel wreath, scroll, a book or a set of tablets.
Muse #2 "Terpsichore"
Terpsichore (“The One Delighting in the Dance”), was the Muse of Choral Lyric and Dancing; as expected, she is usually shown dancing and sometimes holding a lyre. In some stories Terpsichore was also said to be the mother of the Sirens.
Muse #3 "Erato"
Muse Series #3 Erato
In ancient Greek religion and mythology the Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science and the arts.
Erato was the muse of erotic poetry and imitation. She has been depicted with an arrow, a wreath of Myrtle and roses, holding a lyre or a small kithara.
In ancient Greek religion and mythology the Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science and the arts.
Erato was the muse of erotic poetry and imitation. She has been depicted with an arrow, a wreath of Myrtle and roses, holding a lyre or a small kithara.
Muse #4 "Melpomene"
Melpomene was the Muse of Tragedy, and she is usually depicted holding a tragic mask or some other symbol of tragedy like a sword/dagger. When I think of Greek tragedy I think of the play Medea so I channelled the themes and emotion of that work into this piece.
Muse #5 "Thalia"
Thalia described as being "the joyous" was the muse who presided over comedy and idyllic poetry. She is often depicted crowned with ivy holding a comic mask.
Muse #6 "Urania"
Urania is often associated with Universal Love. Sometimes identified as the eldest of the divine sisters, Urania inherited Zeus' majesty and power and the beauty and grace of her mother Mnemosyne.
Urania dresses in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. She is usually represented with a celestial globe to which she points with a little staff. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars.
Prints available on my Etsy shop
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